Tuesday 24 January 2017

Consultant nephrologist

Today I saw the consultant nephrologist (a specialist kidney doctor).  She'd looked at the results of all my tests from two weeks ago and asked me a few questions about my lifestyle and did a physical exam (mostly just listening to my heart and prodding my kidneys a bit).

Then we had a conversation about my results.  Apparently my kidney function is excellent (GFR of 106) but there is a cyst on my left kidney which warrants further investigation.  I knew about this already as the specialist nurse had called ahead to let me know so that when the investigation appointments came through I wouldn't be alarmed (Honestly, they take such good care of you!)

Anyway, the cyst is very likely nothing to worry about.  The nephrologist struggled to even find it on the CT scan* because it's so small, and it's normal for healthy people to have up to 5 'simple' cysts on each kidney.  However, as they might end up giving this kidney to a patient, they need to have a closer look and so I'm going back for a DMSA scan next week.  If they can't tell from that, I'll need to have a MRI.  The nephrologist didn't seem overly concerned, either for my wellbeing or that it would be an impediment to transplant, so I'm trying not to worry about it for now.  I won't need to see her again if all is well and the next step will be meeting the surgeon.

*Side note: getting to see a CT scan of my own kidneys was fricking awesome!

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